"I believe that the Melrose Public Schools are the most important service the city provides, and I want all kids to get the best possible education."
About Me
Seamus Kelley is an active volunteer in Melrose. He has been a lead room parent and library volunteer at the Roosevelt Elementary School. He is an appointed member of the Melrose Affordable Housing Trust Fund and previously served on the Melrose Housing Production Plan Committee.
Professionally, Seamus is a program manager at the Massachusetts Health Connector where he focuses on small business health insurance. Prior to working at the Massachusetts Health Connector, Seamus was the legislative director in the administration of former Governor Deval Patrick, where he had primary responsibility over all legislation and state budget matters dealing with affordable housing and economic development. Earlier in his career he worked in the Massachusetts State Senate and the U.S. House of Representatives.
Seamus is the proud father of two Melrose Public School students: Mary attends the Roosevelt Elementary School and Claire attends the Franklin School ECC program. Seamus and his wife, Candace, live on West Emerson Street and moved to Melrose in 2016. He has a Master’s Degree in Public Administration from Suffolk University and a Bachelor’s Degree from The Catholic University of America.

Why I'm Running
I am running because I have two daughters in the school system and their future – and the future of all kids in Melrose – is important to me. I greatly value our public schools and our teachers. I believe that the Melrose Public Schools are the most important service the city provides, and I want all kids to get the best possible education.
As a member of the Melrose School Committee, I will advocate for fully funding our schools, provide strong fiscal oversight, and promote sound long-term planning.
I will be open to new ideas and provide transparency in decision making.